Fremdsprachige Gedichte

rename: the end / default

Beitragvon Anna Lyse » Sa 03 Mai, 2014 00:51

everything lets loose of eachother
at one time, at another time. for this turn around
there is a sigh and move to the default, from a different
angle. an appalling moment pales to a shade of plain milk
is spilled. and nothing always just drives straight.

not one of those sunsets to sunsets that take you down
like spirals, as if all interior and awe, a hush and
things we are made up of, go down the kitchen sink.
as portland always does rain the moments off,
just give "the end" a new name.
Zuletzt geändert von Anna Lyse am Sa 03 Mai, 2014 01:06, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Anna Lyse
Moderator a.D.
Moderator a.D.
Beiträge: 638
Registriert: So 08 Nov, 2009 21:13
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Re: rename: the end / default

Beitragvon Koeimawa » Sa 19 Sep, 2015 10:37

My friends come here to tell them that it's a lot more material to read.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Sa 19 Sep, 2015 08:44
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Re: rename: the end / default

Beitragvon Anna Lyse » Mi 14 Okt, 2015 22:05

I have trouble understanding what you want to tel me/us.
Anna Lyse
Moderator a.D.
Moderator a.D.
Beiträge: 638
Registriert: So 08 Nov, 2009 21:13
Eigene Werke

Re: rename: the end / default

Beitragvon Engelsflügel70 » Mo 18 Jul, 2016 12:38

Hey Anna,
I enjoyed reading your poem a lot! I'm most amazed by this specific passage: "like spirals, as if all interior and awe, a hush and/ things we are made up of, go down the kitchen sink." Do you usually write in english or is this an experiment? Would be interesting for me to know, since I am currently studying english literature. I also tried to write english texts myself a little while ago. Although my english is rather good and nicely applicable to all sorts of academic contexts, I find it especially hard to express myself poetically in that language. Do you happen to have an opinion on that matter that you want to share?
"Die Kunst ist mit allem zu ihr Gehörenden und noch Hinzukommenden auch ein Problem, und zwar, wie man sieht, ein verwandlungsfähiges, zäh- und langlebiges, will sagen ewiges." (Paul Celan)
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Registriert: Do 16 Jun, 2016 14:25
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