Fremdsprachige Gedichte

Shining Star

Beitragvon fairytale » Sa 03 Jan, 2009 20:35

Shining Star

Star light, star bright, the first star in this dreary night, hear my wish, hear my prayer, free me from this great despair.
Grant my wings, feathered grace, a tear upon my frightened face.
The endless night is now here, the morning sun is all but near.
Oh shimmering star in the heavens above, grant me my wish for true love.
Lost in a sea of broken dreams, waiting to re-hem the tattered seams.
Love is deceptions, life is cruel,
Sparkling star, so near, yet far, how I wish to catch you in a jar.
I admire your freedom oh sparkling chum,
Twinkling brightly like a diamond in the sky up so very very high
without sorrows that could burden the shining light around you
Oh how I wish for that liberty for that feeling to be free
flying with these graceful wings
someday flying in the sky
up so very very high
along at your side
with you my peaceful friend
you the star that i could only see in the cheerless night
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Sa 03 Jan, 2009 20:24
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